Writing Timeline

For those curious, this is when exactly I wrote my books by the year. While they aren’t the publication dates, they are when the works were initially completed.


Metanoia: Blockheads Book One


We and the Way


Campaign of Wood: Against the Thorns Book One

Toad! and the Glass Eye (Book One)


Bleeding Mother: Blockheads Book Two

Toad! and the Vile Garden (Book Two)


Toad! and the Reverse Vampire (Book Three)

Toad! and the Seigako Vald (Book Four)

Toad! and the Hallway (Book Five)

Toad! and the Infinite Hands (Book Six)

Toad! The Unmade Girl (Book Seven)

Toad! and the Copycat (Book Eight)

Toad! and the Winter Formal (Book Nine)

Toad! and the Reflecting Pool (Book Ten)


Toad! and the Convention of Monsters (Book Eleven)

Toad! and the Silk Coven (Book Twelve)

Toad and Jay (Book Thirteen)

Toad! and the Lord of the Mist (Book Fourteen)

By Our Bloodied Hands (Bound to Form Book One)

Song of Sister Sun


Beautiful Ocean View


Do You Remember the Last Thing You Ate?

The Abstractions from Reality Chart

Readers may have noticed there are some reoccuring elements throughout the books I write. And if you’ve noticed, that’s great! Because they are in fact all connected. While they may take place in different universes, each story is intertwined with another. There is a bigger picture behind the scenes, and it is up to you to unravel it.

The story that encapsulates these books is called the Pranactamillica, and the story will be pieced together bit by bit with each new book I write.

Enjoy the underlying mystery, and enjoy the books!

Here is a chart, providing the first clue. It will be updated over time with new releases.

Not included in the works of the Pranactamillica are the Toad! Series, the mini horror novellas, and Space Boys.

reality chart 1.png